POTD - Disney Cruise Line

Dave, since you seem to be the DCL Guy, what is the current policy on taking photos during the shows in the main theater? (Ie... Golden Mickeys, Aladdin, Wishes, etc...). The Navigators show a camera icon with an "x" through them but previous cruises were just "no flash". Any Info is appreciated. And hopefully in a few months I will have enough photos to add to this forum so that you are not the only one in this topic...
I can answer that one, @RedOctober25. On my last cruise in October, 2014, there were signs as you entered the Walt Disney Theatre stating no photography was allowed. I chalk it up to the people who have no clue to their camera's and phone's use of flash in auto settings. I think as long as you do not disturb people around you and not use flash, they won't bother you. But, be aware, they do have the right to ask you to leave the theater if they see you and wish to do so.
Scott is exactly right the rule is no photo's whatsoever.
I just try to not bring any attention to myself, all external lights off, find a seat where I can hold my camera about chest high, click away and hope for the best!!
I can deal with the "no flash" aspect. Now I just have to figure out if I can cut down/out the shutter sound. If not, at least I can enjoy a wonderful stage show.
That was the policy on my lasts 2 cruises, summer of 2012 and fall of 2013. I took it as an opportunity to no worry about "the shot" and just enjoy the show with no photography. It was liberating!