POTD- Christmas Decorations

Nice photos, Goofy!

I forgot to post this one yesterday...

Mickey Plays the Drum:

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While growing up and playing hockey, I was (and still am) an avid Montreal Canadiens fan. My Mom was in love with Bobby Orr and his Big, Bad Bruins. Dad liked Jean Ratelle's style for the New York Rangers. Last year, I found these ornaments and gave them as gifts. This was my family's Christmas card photo this year...

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I have been trying...but handheld ain't happenin and my kids broke my tripod. Santa is supposed to be bringing me one tho 8)


I've tried handheld, they're horrible.

Ooh! I have a ladder! Guess I'll try that~

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While growing up and playing hockey, I was (and still am) an avid Montreal Canadiens fan. My Mom was in love with Bobby Orr and his Big, Bad Bruins. Dad liked Jean Ratelle's style for the New York Rangers. Last year, I found these ornaments and gave them as gifts. This was my family's Christmas card photo this year...

Scott - Those are great. Your mom was right to be a fan of the big bad Bruins. ;D Of course we have been waiting here since 1972 for them to win The Cup again. This could be the year, they are looking good. I liked Jean Ratelle a lot, he spent some quality years here in Boston and was a classy player.
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I am still working on getting a clean ornament shot from my tree.

alls I keep thinking is I could really use a wider/tighter lens right about now~

My shortest is 18mm.

How about I post one from a shop in MK of my favorite Pirate...

"ColleenMarie" said:
alls I keep thinking is I could really use a wider/tighter lens right about now~

My shortest is 18mm.

Actually, you might want to try a telephoto lens, or a macro lens if you have one. All of mine were taken with an old 105mm Ais Micro Nikkor.
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Since I forgot to post one yesterday again, here's two for today:

McKenzie's Store, Colonial Williamsburg:


Sleigh Ride:

Actually, you might want to try a telephoto lens, or a macro lens if you have one. All of mine were taken with an old 105mm Ais Micro Nikkor.

I did...the telephoto without a tripod doesn't work at all, the ladder didn't help much either. Maybe it's my settings when using the telephoto. What settings should I use for a close up with a long lens???
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What is happening with the pictures?

I would use mirror lockup and a remote release, aperture priority mode.
I keep deleting them cause they aren't coming in clear at all.

nothing like the ones posted here anyway~

I am determined to keep trying tho...

I have the tree shots. They came out fine.

My kids and our dogs are gonna get their pics done in front of the tree yet too. The kids haven't been home together since the tree has been up (20 & 22) and the big dog won't pose for me. Hubby's gonna help me set up the dogs for their shot while he's home for Christmas.

I don't have a remote.

I will try to open the shutter longer once I find a good base to set the camera on.

thanx Roger~
A few random flakes, but nothing worth pulling out the camera. This one is from a week ago. Weathermen say back up to 70's tomorrow - I sure wish it would decide what season it wants to be! ;)
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A few random flakes, but nothing worth pulling out the camera. This one is from a week ago. Weathermen say back up to 70's tomorrow - I sure wish it would decide what season it wants to be! ;)
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These are displays from my church. The lighting is not great and I did not have a tripod or anything handy to mount the camera for a great shot, but here ya go...


