POTD - Animal Kingdom

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Thanks, John!

Taveta Golden Weaver (Ploceus castaneiceps) at the nest in the aviary on the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail.

Thats cool! One of these days I want to go to AK and head for that trail me and my camera and just sit there to try to get some good shots of the birds. Thats one of my goals as a Floridian - go to Disney and SLOW down!
"mainstreet1997" said:
Thats cool! One of these days I want to go to AK and head for that trail me and my camera and just sit there to try to get some good shots of the birds. Thats one of my goals as a Floridian - go to Disney and SLOW down!

This was taken during a Photowalk I did for AllEars.net back in December. ; We all took our time and enjoyed the trail. ; When the focus is on photography, it's a nice relaxing time without having to worry about family and such. ; I will be doing another one on May 29th at the Studios if you are interested let me know.

Thanks, John!
Scott, when I met Tim at DAK, we saw these birds making this nest. ; Glad to see what it looks like when it is complete. ; They were literally just weaving the first few pieces.
Good to see somebody else likes to shoot those little guys!:

As a birder, I usually spend far too much time in the two aviary sections on the trails! ; Actually, the whole nature trails in general, I could spend hours on each.
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we went to ak in the morning of our last day, just to walk the 2 trails as we had already seen the stage shows ( another thread, hitting all the shows in 1 day), these litle guys are fast and i never got them in enough light to really bring out the colors

; ;
Those golden weavers sure live up to their name! ; Nice set of photos guys.

I hear the new storyline is about a Photo Safari. ; Wonder if they will make planned stops now?

Photo Safari by Scottwdw, on Flickr

If you look carefully you'll find a couple of TMIPer's.
I always have trouble getting a sharp shot of these parrots. It is dark in their area and they are constantly moving. I was lucky when this guy stopped for a second and decided to watch me and my camera.

DAK Parrot by MJH20, on Flickr
That's pretty sharp!

Scott - I was surprised when I noticed the Little Red storyline was dumped on the safari. ; I will say that my driver did a decent job of stopping the truck a few times for shots...don't know if that will be common from here on, but it was nice.

This was a tough shot over at Conservation Station...had to shoot this guy through TWO panes of glass - the thick greasy fingerprint window with reflections of striped shirts and people, and the aquarium glass the bug was in...I had to time the shot to when noone's reflection was shining back at me, and crank to ISO1600 to get him with my travel zoom 18-250mm lens:

But it's such a cool bug, I had to try!
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I am assuming this is the Parrot habitats in the Oasis. ; However, I found a second Parrot habitat on the walkway into asia (as you pass Flame Tree BBQ on your right) that offers a little more light.

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Yes, this is the area in the Oasis. I didn't know about the area near the Flame Tree. I'll have to find it on my next trip. Thanks.
Backside of the Tree of Life using Pro HDR app.


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"MJHurley" said:
Yes, this is the area in the Oasis. I didn't know about the area near the Flame Tree. I'll have to find it on my next trip. Thanks.

Its just past the Bug's life meet-n-greet but before the gateway passage to Asia. ; Here is one of my favorites from my January trip.


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Where's the canoe? ; Been taking photos of the ceremonial canoe near the Yeti Shrine for years but it was missing in last May. ; Probably being rehabbed.

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