imho, buy 4gb or larger cards over next 2-3 months, according to some threads over at miranda, supply is way larger than demand right now, sandisk just layed off 300 employees, and forced 40% salary cuts on management, others expected to follow suit for 2nd quarter of 07 and into 3rd quarter, this means expected price drops of 30-40 %, maybe up to 50%. we are on the brink of a good old fashioned price war among cf suppliers
you could buy a few 4gb cards for 1/2 a large storage device, they are lighter, smaller even in a case to carry around than a mass storage and, drum roll..........................................
you are not risking loss of all the shoot on one device, i'm planning on stocking up on 6-8 of the 4gb for europe if price drops far enough, already bought 2 kingston 4gb, coupled with the dozen 2gb i already own, i may be hitting europe with upwards of 24 cards with me, maybe 60 gb of storage available, even shooting raw this is probably 2500 shots, should be enough for a 2 week trip, i do sleep some of the time. i assign a number on the back to each card i have, written on with fine point sharpie, never runs or fades, each day i put in a new card, keep track in a small notebook of that days card, and a brief contents description, or at least where i was, i never travel without small notebook in photobag anyway, old po-leece memo book habit,
bottom line, a card corrupts, well i may be heartbroken over the loss of that day's shooting, but i haven't lost the whole trip, having all the memories in one drive makes me too nervous to be ok with