PLEASE help me find these Fantasmic pictures!

Hey everyone,

I have a picture saved on my computer and I know it was part of a "series" of pics that I saw online.

I have been searching all over for the pictures but cannon find them. It was a series of pictures that showed Mickey dropping at the very end of Fantasmic. I have attached the picture that I have saved and I am looking for the other pictures that were with it. I believe I saw the pictures on someone's blog but I cannot remember where. So can you all help me to find these pictures of Mickey dropping during the end of Fantasmic? The pictures were all taken in succession and the one I have is, I believe, one of the last ones there was of the four or so pictures.

EDIT: I know the pictures is here ... temId=7786 but it was not where I found it. The place I found it at had all the pictures on it. So can anyone help me in finding these pictures?


And actually when I review the #s in the sequence, this would actually be Mickey appearing. Not dropping.
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Roger I do not see the other images from the sequence. Would you be able to upload them again to your site, email them to me directly, post them somewhere else, etc?

I would love to see the pics again, oh and was it OK I saved the images to my computer?

Also, just a side not, the other pics in the sequence I am referring to are not like this one ... temId=7801

they all have a portion of Mickey appearing with the pyrotechnics in front of him.

So I am looking for those 4 or so images on him.
Yes, it's okay, and I'll go through them in Aperture maybe tonight if not in a few days. I wasn't using Aperture back then.
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Looked through them on Aperture, and I don't have any of regular Mickey and pyros at the finale, even at DL. I do have all of the pics in sequence for that pic you reference though.
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