If you are ordering your park ticket from Disney, it looks like the first day that you can buy a ticket and make park reservations for Dec. 11-15 is on August 17. It is 120 days from August 17 to Dec. 15 and they only allow you to make park reservations 120 days in advance. You must make your initial park reservations when you purchase your ticket from the Disneyland web site.
The parks of the day are Disneyland/DCA/Disneyland/DCA/Disneyland.
Here are the revised important dates:
- Sunday August 13: Purchase tickets and make park reservations for Dec. 11-15 from Disneyland web site
- Make dining and tour reservations at 9 am EDT:
- Wednesday Oct. 11 for Sunday Dec. 10
- Thursday Oct. 12 for Monday Dec. 11
- Friday Oct 13 for Tuesday Dec 12
- Saturday Oct 14 for Wednesday Dec. 13
- Sunday Oct. 15 for Thursday Dec. 14
- Monday Oct. 16 for Friday Dec. 15
- Monday October 30: Park hours available for Dec. 11
I looked at the historic park information at TouringPlans.com and found these schedules for last December. With luck, this years schedule will be similar.
- Park Hours: 8:00am - 12:00am
- A Christmas Fantasy Parade at 3:30pm and 6:30pm
- Fantasmic! at 9:00pm and 10:30pm
- Believe... In Holiday Magic at 9:30pm
- Park Hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm
- Mickey's Happy Holidays at 12:20pm. 1:45pm, 3:45pm and 5:15pm
- World of Color - One at 9:00pm and 10:15pm