No you are not too late! Read both threads so that you understand how far we've gotten in the planning process. The other thread besides this one is here:

We are just about to make dining and party reservations. Look over this list and tell us which ones you want to join us for and we can include you in the reservation numbers.
We have to start calling WEDNESDAY Oct. 11th so decision time is at hand! Please Let us know by this coming Tuesday.
@Jeff Krause
Here are the dates and times of the reservations that we have to make:
Sunday Dec. 10 Trader Sam's 6 pm - Joanie
Monday Dec. 11 Carthay Circle 1 pm - Dennis
Tuesday Dec. 12 Holiday Time tour 4:15 pm : Dennis
Wednesday Dec. 13 World of Color dessert party 9:15 pm - Joanie
Friday Dec. 15 Jazz Kitchen 6 pm - Dennis

For the parties where you have to pay up front, the person making the reservation will pay for that and then you can reimburse us either in person or through an app like Venmo.
We are happy to hear that you are interested in joining us, and talk about last minute timing!