Pixelmania 2023

For those who didn't see the updated post on page 1, we are going to the Magic Kingdom and MNSSHP on Thursday, October 19. Tickets go on sale April 27, 2023 for people with reservations at Disney resorts, Swan, Dolphin and Shades of Green. Everyone else can purchase tickets starting on May 2.

The remaining park-of-the-day schedule has not been finalized.
I purchased MNSSHP tix for Thursday Oct. 19th and Tuesday Oct. 24th.
I also can go to HHN on Oct. 15th @ddindy

Karl and Evan won't be around for the Disney Portion of my trip and they are uncommitted/ leaning toward no to HHN on the 15th of October. We have our plans set where we need them and that Sunday the 15th is probably a night where they will make their own plans or just crash in the room.

If the weather is nice on that Sunday the 15th we may be doing a Volcano Bay day with a Cabana rental. It will either be that Saturday or Sunday depending on the weather.
I'm doing MNSSHP on Oct. 17 and 19. I'll be home on the evening of the 24th.
I will also be buying an HHN ticket for Oct.15.
So that's three Halloweens in five nights.
I also changed my flights from Orlando to Tampa. It's fall break in Indiana and everyone flies Southwest to Orlando. Airfare wasn't much cheaper but the rental car was. If I had more vacation days left I'd drive down again and save a couple of hundred dollars.
I did come calculations and discovered that cost of a rental car is slightly more than the cost of driving to Florida and back, including a night in a hotel each way. I've cancelled my flight and will use the miles for Disneyland in December. The down side is that I'll have to leave for home on Monday 10/23 instead of Tuesday 10/24. C'est la vie.
I did come calculations and discovered that cost of a rental car is slightly more than the cost of driving to Florida and back, including a night in a hotel each way. I've cancelled my flight and will use the miles for Disneyland in December. The down side is that I'll have to leave for home on Monday 10/23 instead of Tuesday 10/24. C'est la vie.
Yes, but we could drag race in the parking lot at Epcot to see who gets arrested first.

It’s official… I just bought my airfare! Flying down on Saturday the 14th and then flying home on Wednesday the 25th.

Now I just need to figure out what I’m doing for my park tickets (AP vs Standard).

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I'd do standard this year and an AP next year, to cover December '24 and October '25 on the same AP. That, of course, assumes that (a) we can all still afford to go in the future and (2) APs are still available. If that's not something that appeals to you, go for the AP now before they inevitably raise the price or discontinue sales.
I'd do standard this year and an AP next year, to cover December '24 and October '25 on the same AP. That, of course, assumes that (a) we can all still afford to go in the future and (2) APs are still available. If that's not something that appeals to you, go for the AP now before they inevitably raise the price or discontinue sales.

That’s kinda what planned on doing. Thinking I’m going to get a 5 or 6 day ticket (no park hopper) for my 10 day trip. Worse case scenario, I have 2 one-day hoppers tied to my account that I can use if I need extra days… but outside of the PixelMania days, I enjoyed my “free” days at the resort just as much last trip.

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MNSSHP is sold out on Tuesday, October 17. The Pixelmania party on Thursday, October 19 still has tickets available. You can save $8 by purchasing your ticket from Undercover Tourist. I'm not sure how long that price ($171.71 versus Disney's $179.99 price) is good for.

Dumb question. What is Undercover Tourist, I’m assuming third party but like an Expedia or Kayak?
Undercover Tourist has been around since 2000, selling discounted tickets to Florida and southern California theme parks. In recent years they have added hotels, rental cars and sports/concert tickets to their list of services. I have used them many times over the years without problems.
In light of all the fun we had last year at December 2022 Pixelmania, I'd like to point out for those that are interested that the latest update to COVID vaccinations are now available to the general public.

This year's update is thought to have a high probability to be effective against the current mutation of the COVID virus that is circulating in the country.

It takes about 2 weeks for you to build up antibodies to fight the virus, so, if you are inclined, consider getting your shots now so that your immune system is buffed and polished and can fight off all of the COVID cooties that a theme park has to offer.

I'm also reading that it's considered safe to get your flu vaccine at the same time as you get your COVID vaccination booster. The current advice is to consider getting the flu shot earlier this year, meaning now, based upon the trends that they are forecasting for influenza infection rates.

As always, please consider the advice offered in this post to be a recommendation. It's coming from myself personally, and I'm someone who has worked in healthcare and has seen some of the severe problems that not taking care of your health can cause.

Pro Tip: For those of us spring chickens that are over the age of 60, please consider talking to your physician about getting the RSV
(Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus) vaccination that has come out now.

That virus is no joke and The mortality rates associated with it when experienced by people over 60 or by babies has been increasing lately.

This concludes my Theme Park Cooties TED talk.

Posted with love and caring for my Disney family,
Hey all - thought I'd check in - even though I can't make this Pixelmania, I've been away from the boards for quite a bit. Wanted to let everyone know I'm still around - just been a few hard and crazy months. My stepfather had been physically unwell for years now, on a walker, but this year, descended to not being mobile at all - my mother was basically doing home-nursing for most of 2023 - starting in July, he was popping back and forth to the hospital, then nursing home, then back to hospital - and 'finally' on Aug 17 he passed away. Anyone who has been through that process knows why I say 'finally' as for him, the quality of life wasn't there, and for my mother and the family, it was stressful and maddening. For the week after he passed, it's been family flying in, services, burial in Massachusetts, then helping mom clean out the house - the last 4 years he had become a bit of a hoarder, so the garage, attic, spare room (which had become his live-in room), and closets were jam-packed with stuff. 3 800-Junk truck loads, 2 charity box van pickups, and dozens of things given away to family and friends later, the house was finally emptied out. The past 2 weeks have been helping her paint, re-carpet, and convert that spare room into an office for her, plus a spare guestroom. All that, plus trying to stay caught up at work, helping her with the financial transition, and still squeezing in a Disney trip last week...and I'm finally starting to pop back around the boards to see what I've been missing.

Wish I could have made it, but I'll have to wait for the 2024 Pixelmania, which hopefully will be back to Christmastime. And maybe if any of you want to go for a Birdmania 3, which I'm always ready for. Anyway - that's it - just wanted to get back in touch with y'all!