as memory has kept decreasing in price, and increasing in card sizes and write speeds, i have steadily added to my card inventory, moving through 16 gb, to 32 gb, and a couple of years ago to 64 gb cards, and then due to sloppy housekeeping on my part, misplacing a card holder with 8 cards in it, and not finding it before pixel mania 2016, and having at the last minute to get a new holder with another 8 cards, i now have 16 64 gb cards, and have recently acquired 4 high speed 64 gb cards, and then 2 128gb cards, because of the 20 frames/second capability of the sony A9, coupled with an untimely and unexpected card full experience at early prepixelmania last year. i have always owned enough cards, starting back in the 16gb cf days, to do a 8-10 day vacation with a card for each day, something i have continued today, even the rare vacations where i drag along the laptop and an external drive, i still keep to the rule, start each day with a freshly formatted card, download that days take while sleeping , easily enough setup with light room, and i shoot in raw, so it is a copy only function, although i slap some keywords onto the files during copying, and usually attach at least a date centric name, sometimes date and day, place, depends on what it was. carrying a 1 terrabyte external drive is easy if you are taking along the laptop, although i rarely bring the laptop these days, i really only consider the laptop if it is one of my epic multiday trips where i would like to do a daily travelogue to here type of thing. i have one of those coming up in may, not sure though if i want to take the laptop, but if i do, the 5 hour return flight from oregon with a first class seat, has enough room and power plugs to allow at least a cull run through what i am pretty sure may be a large number of photos, given that i have 9 full days in the pacific northwest.