This thread will serve as the official signup thread for Pixelmania 2017. Please comment here if you're attending so we can keep an accurate headcount.
Current attendees:
Name / Forum Name / Resort / Dates
Jeff / RedOctober25 / Pop & Kidani / 11/30-12/14
Michael / mSummers / Port Orleans French Quarter / Boardwalk Villas / 12/1-12-12
Joanie / Joanie Eddis-Koch / Pop Century / 12/2-12/15
Gary / gary / Boardwalk Villas / 12/5-12/12
John / jbwolffiv / Pop Century / 12/6-12/11
Dennis / ddindy / Pop Century / 12/5-12/12
/ Fishphotos / / 12/3-12/7
Justin / Zackiedawg / Boardwalk Villas / 12/6-12/10
Tim / Tim / Boardwalk Villas / TBD
Jackie / yensid71973 / Bay Lake Towers / 12/2-12/13
Dave & Gillian / ExploringWDW / Kidani / 12/1 & 12/9-12/10
Crystal & Jean / crystaljphoto / Wyndham Bonnet Creek / 12/2-12/10
Gary / WDWFigmentGary / TBD / TBD
Scott & +6? / disneyscott / Shades of Green / TBD
Don / donsullivan / / 12/7-12/10
Walt Prindle/wprindle/ TBD