Pixelflash USB 3.0 CompactFlash Reader Review


Staff member
I recently reviewed the Pixelflash USB 3.0 CompactFlash Reader.
It's a nice reader, very fast, well-built, and has a very good price. ; For the full written review and links to order, CLICK HERE.
How timely, Tim! ; I took an old CF reader last weekend to the Crunch game so I could download photos to their network. ; The reader was so old...How old was it? It was so old the label had both CF AND an IBM Microdrive on it. ; When I plugged in my card, it took over 20 minutes to download. ; Thankfully, I had a second card so I went out and photographed the rest of the game.

I just ordered this via your link. ; I was going to start looking for a good one and you saved me the time and effort to do so.
Awesome, Scott. ; Glad to be of service. ; I really like this reader and think you will too. ; Please report back once you have received it.