Perhaps the only place in Disney that will let you down (solved)


This one is probably way to easy, but here goes

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Re: Perhaps the only place in Disney that will let you down

oohh. good one, bb. I know exactly where this is, but will give others a shot at it.
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Re: Perhaps the only place in Disney that will let you down

Well I can't say I've seen it before (or noticed it), but it looks like the type of thing you'd find on NY Street (or Streets of America, as it's now called).
Re: Perhaps the only place in Disney that will let you down

That one did not take long at all. Solved by Zakiedawg

I thought I may have had one that would have hung on a bit
Re: Perhaps the only place in Disney that will let you down

forgot to put in th ewhole pic

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Re: Perhaps the only place in Disney that will let you down

trying again

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Cool - it looked like the kind of 'real street' details they like to throw in there...but I don't actually recall seeing that. Mostly, a good guess!
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disney hid a jack skellington in there for the osborne lights too. i only took one shot of it and it came out blurry. rats!
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This is the best Jack Skellington I got, which unfortunately does not have the sign in it. Next year!

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We wish you a scary Christmas...we wish you a scary Christmas...
