One ride you have always wanted to go on?


Ok, so there are a few rides that I haven't been on at Disney World even though we have been there three times. ; Splash Mountain is one ride I would certianly like to go on.

The first time we went to Disney, it was January and waaayyy toooo cold!!!
The second time I had just been in a car accident and wasn't able to have any neck jolting.

Then the last time this past May, we were all set to go, just standing on the bridge watching the logs drops, and then we waited, and waited, and waited. ; No logs. ; The ride got stuck or something. ; We went back about an hour later and it still wasn't running. ; We had no choice but to leave Disney without getting on Splash Mountain.
I wanted to go on Astro Orbiter... but the day we were there we had so many ride issues it's probably just as well we didn't try for it (we tried to 'chill' on the TomorrowLand Transit Authority twice... it didn't go well. ; Actually, we had to be evacuated from the ride mid-track because they couldn't get it running properly again... we ended up with an "any-ride, no expiry" fast-pass, and great seats for the fireworks, but we figured we shouldn't try anything else in TomorrowLand at that point *laugh*)... the Snow White's Scary Adventures looks like it could be interesting.

Other than that... I think DH would like to do Splash Mountain and probably a few others, but he won't go without me and for various reasons, I'm not keen on them (like... I'm not keen on getting soaked and then walking around the park... can't imagine why *laugh*)
I would love to do splash mountain, but like treelo, I don't want to be soaking wet walking around the park.

I would also love to check out Pirates of Caribbean, but it was closed while we were there
I actually got to go on the ride I always wanted to go on (but was too scared to!).

Space Mountain. ; I had never been on a roller coaster until I went on Space Mountain with my daughter last spring!!! ; We both screamed for most of the ride... but it was a blast.

For those who have hesitated on Splash Mountain... ; if it's a hot day, you'll be dry in 20 minutes! ; ; ; Yeeeee haaaaaa