omg what is with Westjet

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So we got an email from westjet saying my mothers flight has changed so we have tried to call them 4 times this week and each time we have been on hold for over 60 minutes with no luck getting a hold of anyone ....

The funny thing is the return trip on my mom has changed and we are on the same flight and we didn't get an alert .. so WTF is going on with westjet ...
I made him hang up after 137 minutes. ; The phone was almost dead too. ; I was getting so tired of listening to the music they play and we had to go out for the day. ; At this rate, I don't know if we will get to confirm Sean's moms flights or not. ; I wonder if it will be ok that she doesn't confirm the changes, even though the time changes were only a couple of minutes. ; So frustrating! ; It's not like we have all this time to stay on the phone.
Westjet has had a major overhaul of their reservation systems this month. ; It's been a long and arduous process - even for travel agents. ; Some days I call in, and you can't even get on hold. I'm sure things will improve, but they've migrated over to a new system, and it's having a lot of growing pains.

I'd suggest seeing if your mom can login online.
I hear they are having major problems with their new system!

The old ressies didn't carry over, which is creating havoc!

Hopefully all will work out in the end!

Pixie Dust!
Oh what a nightmare! ; Reminds me why I do not like to fly with any of the canadian airlines. ; There expensive and their customer service sucks!!!!
I maybe repeating my self, but man I love flying out of Buffalo. ; Great prices, fantastic customer service, makes our vacations so much more enjoyable!
I know its not a option for everyone, but if you can, use it.
Sean, I really hope things work out for ya!
I believe they're handling the maintenance of ressies made under the old system, and ressied made under the new system, in their migration. It's just a work in progress since it's such a complete overhaul, putting them on Sirev, and basically putting them on many other travel industry search engines that they weren't on before - so, when everything gets sorted, it will be worthwhile. Just very painful now.

I can tell you that other company system overhauls have also been painful. Few overhauls have been as extensive as Westjet's, but the migration is always a huge headache.

I do understand the frustration, believe me, cause I've had some long long delays, and issues in trying to resolve client problems/ bookings/ changes. ; But, I really LOVE Westjet. My own personal experiences with them have made me a devoted fan - if I have the option to fly Westjet, I will take it. ;

My family did a cruise to Alaska last summer. We did a hopper flight from Anchorage to Vancouver with AC - one of the most awful experiences I've ever had with air crew. Then we had a flight from Vancouver to Calgary with Westjet, that was to continue on to Ottawa. Unbeknowst to us, our 2 year old had developed an ear infection, and it made itself known big time on the flight from Vancouver. She started thrashing about, wailing in pain, and we didn't know how to calm her (terrifying as a parent). Obviously, she disturbed everyone on the plane. ; The pilot was worried she'd perforated an eardrum. He ensured we were the first off the plane, we were met by paramedics who'd riden thru the airport on bikes, our DD2 was assessed and transported to the Calgary children's hospital by ambulance (and on the ride, her anxiety caused abnormal heart rhythms which had the EMS gang doing somersaults), ER paramedic diagnosed the ear infection and relieved heart fears (anxiety can do that to agitated toddler, it seems), gave us medicine, and cleared us for flight the next day.

Here's what Westjet did that had made me a life fan .... They gave us a taxi chit for the ride from the hospital to the hotel, put us up an airport hotel for the night, gave us vouchers for breakfast, and had us on another flight to Ottawa the next morning. When we got home in Ottawa, we had a phone call from them to see if she was ok. ; I was/ and still am astounded by that customer service. ; For it to have happened on the heels of the worst experience I've had with an airline only underscored just how wonderful Westjet is.

So - yeah, the overhaul of their computer systems is a MAJOR pain, and it's a bit of a nightmare right now. But, Westjet certainly has a lot more in the emotional bank with me. ; I recommend you wait out this transition period, and give them another try, Alex - you might be pleasantly surprised!
I agree, WestJet is the better of the two major Canadian Airlines! ; Mind you, I've had more problems with WestJet like the one time I did fly with them from FLA back to TO! ; This was years ago, but when you are told they have TVs and then they don't work, that flight is really long trying to keep a tween amused!!!
Well I hope I have no problems with Westjet - we have tickets with them to fly to Disneyland in a couple weeks. ; I have flown with them before with no issues - but then I have also flown with a few other airlines with no issues. ;
I hope Sean's mom doesn't have issues either. ; I am not staying on the phone to 'confirm' the changes on her flights. ; She will just have to show up and hope for the best.