oh, boy.... this can't be good....


Staff member
i think this is about the time one starts to re-think if going on this bad boy was a good idea or not......
(i LOVE the ride, even if others think it is lacking). enjoy the pics.
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IMO it is a D Attraction. It is good just over hyped and not one of the best on property (but it is the best in AK)
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oh boy... here we go... ;)
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I agree with Nathan. I over-hyped it before the first time I went on it. But after the third time I went on it and enjoyed it, now I think its a great attraction and its was a deff. great addition for AK. Now I can't wait for Yak and Yeti Restaurant! :)

I love this shot. I would be afraind to take my new camera on the ride though. Was it much of a problem?
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hey dr. jim....

no worries at all... there was room for my big old camera bag between my legs and it was held in pretty tightly. i just held onto the camera and wrapped the neck strap around my hand a few times, no problems.
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"Tim" said:
hey dr. jim....

no worries at all... there was room for my big old camera bag between my legs and it was held in pretty tightly. i just held onto the camera and wrapped the neck strap around my hand a few times, no problems.
Tim is right(Insert "of course" here.) It's a quick ride; but not nearly a "thrill park" fast-as-all-getout ride. As long as your wrap the strap around your hand and keep the lens secure with the other hand you should have no problems at all. If something bad does happen, ignore this post and refer to the post directly above it. He's in charge here ya know! ;)
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disclaimer.... (read very quickly with low monotone voice)
the magic in pixels is not responsible for anything that happens to your camera gear while in the parks.

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