Not that anyone will actually get one, but.... EF 50/1.0 L


Staff member has two of em in stock right now.

Of course for their price you could get a new 5D and a IS L lens after rebates.
yeah i think $2500 is a bit expensive for a prime that you can get at f/1.8 for <$100.

and the award for understatement of the year goes to ........
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&quot;rlongenbach&quot; said:
$2500? Umm, try $3900.

got that from a review on that is crazy silly coin to spend on a 50mm lens, no matter how good it is. for now, i think i will stick with my 28 1.8, 50 1.4, and 85 1.8 and be happy with that.
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&quot;joedisney&quot; said:
Oh ya, if I could add that lens plus the 200mm 1.8 to my collection I would be slap happy!

yeah i guess you would.... have fun carrying it.
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dof has to be so shallow, i'm thinking that close portrait would be the only real use of that lens, how would you focus in a ride?
have to focus on the closest thing and hope for the best.... wont be too bad if something is farther away, but if it's close, you aint gonna get much....
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it's nice... nice wide angle on ride then use the 50 and 85 to get the mid and tele angles..