Not on Disney Property by a definite Disney connection.

Re: Not on Disney Property by a definite Disney co

Route 66 is (was) pretty long. ; You are warm, but gotta be more specific.
Re: Not on Disney Property by a definite Disney co

Not Grand Canyon, Not Radiator Springs, lots of motels but no cozy cone!
ok, well you are either in arizona or new mexico. ; let's go with arizona since it looks like the painted desert.
Hmmm...has that Arizona feel. ; Sort of a Sedona vibe. ; South of Flagstaff Arizona, don't forget Winona...Kingman Barstow San Bernadino... carried away on the lyrics. ; I'll stick with Sedona.
wow you are hip to this timely tip!

here is the strangest version of route 66 i have EVER head...
I know that version well. ; Then again, I was a big time 70's punk and 80's new wave/alternative fan, so I had every Depeche Mode record (yes, I said RECORD).
Re: Not on Disney Property by a definite Disney co

South of painted desert, Tim and also south of route 66 which, indeed, does go through Flagstaff. ; Sedona is the right answer Justin. ; Now the next question is why would this spot have a Disney significance?
Re: Not on Disney Property by a definite Disney co

Adventures By Disney Southwest Splendors?
Well now, A young man named Walt once passed through that gorgeous valley (Lived there a spell), and took much inspiration from the beauty of the place...many of the mountains there bear nicknames which honor the Disney creations which were inspired by them, including Thunder Mountain, Witch's Castle, and Coffeepot. ; Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, the Witch's Castle from Snow White, and Fantasia all were directly inspired by the scenery of Sedona.

BTW - I absolutely LOVE Sedona, and would move there in a heartbeat if I could relocate by job and afford the houses. ; It might be one of the most beautiful towns on Earth.
Re: Not on Disney Property by a definite Disney co

Justin you are exactly right. ; As many of the longer dwelling residents will tell you, Walt did indeed spend periods of time there. ; The picture that you are looking at is, in fact, Thunder Mountain. ; A short distance outside of town is the spot where Walt used to hang out, appropriately named "Disney Lane"

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I've visited Sedona many times, and spent a 3-day weekend there, hiking around the various trails that run out of town in nearly every direction. ; Beautiful red mountains, lots of forest trails, high-desert scrub, and streams and waterfalls are everywhere. ; I specifically went hunting for Disney lane, being a Disney buff...tiny little road, ain't it!!?? ; I still miss the west a bit - when I lived out there, seemed every weekend was a trip to another state, another national park, another monument. ; I put 170,000 miles on my 4x4 SUV in 4 years out there!
Re: Not on Disney Property by a definite Disney co

We happened upon Disney Lane by accident when we missed the turn to Cathedral Rock. ; We just got back from there and put over 6000 miles on the car in two weeks doing the same National Park, National Monument trek with a 4 hour (one way) trip to Monument Valley. ; That is really a beautiful area of the country!