Non Disney Vacation


I know everyone throws the odd Non Disney topic in here, so today its my turn. ;

Just returned from a family vacation to Nova Scotia. ; Spent 7 nights seeing the sites of this beautiful province. ; This was the first time for our family travelling to the Maritimes and it did not disappoint. ; Spent several days in Halifax, a couple of days on the South Shore in a couple of quaint fishing villages, and 3 nights at the north end of the Annapolis valley. ; Went Whale Watching, checked out the Canadian Fleet in Halifax Harbour (there were there for the Queens Visit and to celebrate the 100) and toured the Alexander Keith's Brewery. ; All in all, a fantastic trip with lots of stories to tell about. ; Even got to see a US Aircraft carrier.

Here are a few pics. ; For a prairie boy, it was a great experience and we have already decided to head back.


I love it out east. when the kids are a little older (probably when youngest is 5) I want to head back out that way.
Is that picture of an aircraft carrier? Didn't know we had one.

I love the shot of the gang in the survival suits.
We're heading down east next month. ; I was born and raised around Truro, Nova Scotia. ; I still have family and friends around the region. ; Can't wait to see them and pay a visit to Domascus Donair in Bible Hill for the best donairs in the country!!!!
"Ham Ham" said:
Is that picture of an aircraft carrier? Didn't know we had one.

I love the shot of the gang in the survival suits.

That is a US Aircraft Carrier. ; There were a bunch of different countries "in town" to help support the Navy's 100th. ;
There is always visiting Ships in Halifax, Dutch, English and The Americans to name a few.
Sniff, Sniff!!! ; Photos of home!!! ; Glad to hear you had a great time and hopefully great weather. ; Isn't Peggy's Cove, just a beautiful spot. ; I am from the south shore!