No Mousefest for 2009

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I got the same email......hopefully they get everything worked out and some new volunteers so Mousefest can continue the following yeat. ; And we were planning to be back at WDW at the same time tis year.
Just because the big event isn't happening is no reason not to go. ; For me the real fun is meeting people in the parks and doing things as a group. ; RADP is still planning our events for this December, the weekend of December 4-7.

Have a meet somewhere in the parks! ; People will still come!

ohmigoodness, that is so sad - but I can't imagine anyone doing the role (past, present, or future) of organizing the entire thing as a volunteer!? ; That's a massive job! ; I hope the exec. committee can come to grips with how to set it up as a paid position, cause it certainly does appear to have "legs" in terms of there being ongoing interest in keeping it going!
We are still planning on going and speaking to some of the other podcasters they are still planning on having events so I don't think having an organization will change anything for me. I'm more into hanging out with friends anyway.
Good to hear that you are still going Carlos. I would really still like to go so maybe a lot of people will do the same thing. It may not be Mousefest but maybe a lot of us can still get together anyway.
I too am disappointed. But I also can see the problems with facilitating an event like this. I am looking on the bright side and thinking that hopefully it will re-surface even better. As this is a non-profit event. (I think it may be a negative profit event) we may see major changes when it does re-appear.

I now can focus on the 2 other trips I have planned for the next 12 months and hopefully make it to MagicMeets to get together with my Disney friends.
News travels Fast - Orlando Sentinel: ... -year.html

Annual Disney fan gathering, 'MouseFest,' canceled this year

The organizers of MouseFest, an international gathering of Disney fans that has brought hundreds of people together at Walt Disney World ever year since 2003, have cancelled their 2009 event.

In a statement posted on the website, organizers say the event has grown too large – and expensive – to hold this year. Planning was also muddied by the loss of the organization’s volunteer chairman, who stepped down last month to devote more time to his family and business.

“For MouseFest to continue to grow, the event needs someone experienced with large event planning who can dedicate himself or herself to the project (and many other things) for much of the year,” the statement said. “It also requires increased financial resources and someone responsible for signing on the line for them. This type of commitment goes above and beyond that which can be expected from a volunteer.”

The group didn’t say MouseFest would be cancelled permanently. Rather it will go on “hiatus” for 2009, “while we consider the long-term future of the event.