Nikon's D90: 12.3mp, 4.5fps, 24fps in 720p movie mode (first trad. SLR w/movies)

I fell like an idiot, the first day I had it I was just experimenting and I just could not get the aperture to change in aperture priority mode! Finally I called Nikon tech support (amazing, no wait and English native speaking person!) who explained, use the command dial to which I replied "I am!" and then he said, did you own another Nikon before, yep, I sure did, look at your shutter finger, now look in front of your shutter finger... LOL, there's another command dial there I'm not used to.

I did some shots at Fantasmic yesterday with my 18-200, set ISO all the way up, A priority mode, and crossed my fingers, awesome, wonderful, glorious in focus unblurred photos even zoomed almost all the way out. Ya, 6400 ISO is like turning up the gain but you know, at 1280x1024 I can't see anything that looks grainy... now, I'm sure if I zoom in I will see something but for online pictures they will look just fine.