Nikon...we have a number

I can't wait to see the specs. ; I just hope it has a reasonable megapixel count; I can't afford another NAS right now.
It's not often I would go with such a slim rumor but the site is very reliable. ; I would imagine there will be a dumping of D7100's on the used market if this comes to pass.

I compared my D7100 images to Dave's D300s last weekend as we both were shooting the Crunch game. ; I liked the D300s images better as long as the ISO stayed below 3200. Anything above that and the sensor showed its age.

Dennis, I am thinking it will be a 24MP sensor like the Nikon D7x00 series of cameras. ; Nikon seems to be liking that size right now. ; 16 would work, too.
I have a D7000. ; Is the sensor for the D7100 THAT much better? ; Just wondering if I need to put money away or not.
The only thing I can say is "Thank God Canon (mostly) goes in numeric order"... ; I cannot keep track of Nikon's numbering convention.
Agreed, Tim. Nikon seems to set a numbering scheme one year and change it the next. Why do they confuse the customer so?
At least it's better than Apple. I have an old MacPro, a newer iMac, and an iPad. Which versions? errr….
