Nikon kills off the D600 after one year, releases D610

Like the following: the full frame 24MP sensor, 6fps (same as D7100 in non-1.3x crop mode) and the dual SD flash cards.

BUT...I still want a Nikon D710 with the D3S/D4 sensor, 8fps (without a battery grip, 10 with), dual memory cards as long as they include one SD card slot OR one CF memory slot with built-in Wi-Fi plus an app to talk to smart phones.

Is that too much to ask? Sigh. ; ::)
"Scottwdw" said:
Like the following: the full frame 24MP sensor, 6fps (same as D7100 in non-1.3x crop mode) and the dual SD flash cards.

BUT...I still want a Nikon D710 with the D3S/D4 sensor, 8fps (without a battery grip, 10 with), dual memory cards as long as they include one SD card slot OR one CF memory slot with built-in Wi-Fi plus an app to talk to smart phones.

Is that too much to ask? Sigh. ; ::)

Maybe. I saw Nikon has leaked their current answer: a digital FM2 with the D4 sensor, no video and apparently a hybrid optical viewfinder. ; The viewfinder being optical that can also superimpose the sensor feed. Since video is apparently not being included on this camera I can only surmise that it would be useful for manual focusing.

But it apparently won't have the max speed you are looking for.

Thought it was interesting that the first rumors where that Nikon is doing a full frame mirrorless as well but now it won't be.
I saw the Mirrorless FM2 rumor, too. ; Only 5.5 fps though. ; Nikon is going out of their way NOT to create an affordable sports camera. ; I guess the D700 with grip most have really cut into the D3 sales. ; Probably why the D3s came out with a better sensor.

I might have to consider an alternative if someone comes out with an 8-10 fps, full frame system under the $3K mark.
The more I use the D4 the more I like it, and the more I wish for a D400 too. With a grip it'd be awesome. If they go mirrorless it just won't have the right balance with any of the larger lenses.
