It's kind of cool looking to me - though I'm not much interested in it. ; Though it's going for the cool/trendy retro look, there is something to be said for those dial type controls on top of the body - they DO work, easily and nicely, and allow very fast settings changes with easy visual verification. ; And despite the article's criticism of the plunger-style shutter cable, I have to say I've always found those to be super-reliable and easy to use, and wouldn't mind if every camera made was compatible with them. ; While I use both electronic wired remotes and IR remotes on my cameras, I can say I've had occasional problems with both - my electronic wired remotes have gone wonky before where I really had to wiggle the connection to get it to respond, and my IR has run out of batteries before. ; I personally would love to have a cable stuffed down in my bag that I could whip out in an emergency when other remotes end up dying or failing, and simply screw it into a hole on the shutter button, and have it work - no matter what - no batteries, no connection issues to worry about - it can sit for decades and still come out working perfectly! ; I've used those since the '70s - and never had a problem with one. ; Still have two in my camera closet, if I ever had a camera that could use them again.