Nikon D750

I'd be surprised if Nikon responds that quickly. On the other hand, that Canon is a 1.6 crop I think, so it's closer to the D7100 than the 20MP would appear. The thing that got me drooling about the specs were 65 point AF, ALL of which are cross type. I'd kill for that in portrait mode on my cameras right now!

I am so mad at Nikon right now. They had the perfect opportunity to fill a need (from what I read all over the Internet) with the D750 and blew it. With no D300 replacement on the horizon, Canon has announced the 7D Mark II with the specs I have been hoping to see from Nikon...10fps, CF/SD dual memory cards (which should allow Eye-fi cards like in the D300) and pro-style body with an AF-ON button. Cost to switch would be $4100 min. for a 7DmkII body and new 70-200mm IS f/2.8 lens (I could shave off a grand buying used and one version back). Of course, I would need other lenses, flash, etc.

All because Nikon refuses to support the non-Pro "action" photographer.
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@Scottwdw "Pro" just means you get paid, so you and I are both "Pro action photographers". The $67 I made during the 2013-2014 hockey season has me well on my way to purchasing a new $6500 D4s and the $1300 wifi adapter.


The Nikon Marketing Team
LOL...oh, that's rich, @ExploringWDW (aka Dave).

I suppose if I save every dime of what I make from photography every year with no investments in equipment, I might be able to afford a used D4. I could get a used D3s now but with no way to send images to my phone, it is useless to me. My clients now expect me to be able to supply images during events ASAP. Right now, Nikon has no camera which meets my "needs". So, thank you to the Nikon'$ Marketing Team for chiming in here. :p
As a Sony Pro Action Photographer (my action is birds, not sports), I am considering whether to upgrade to the A77II, or if I want to stick with OVF cameras and consider what's out there from Nikon & Canon. I must admit the Canon specs look pretty good, but the Nikon probably would be close enough to my needs. The A77II would require getting used to full time EVF shooting with both cameras - my A6000 is a speed demon, but I always felt 'safe' having one OVF camera and one EVF camera, and just can't decide if I'd be comfortable going all EVF. Like Scott & Dave, I could save up all the money I earned from photography and use it towards the new camera. Or maybe the memory card to put in it - and the camera funds would have to come from my bank account. But hey - I do make a hundred or so dollars a year average from photography - keeping me in the 'pro' rank by definition. ;) I will admit though that I rarely ever use the 12fps capability of my current camera - it just ends up giving me far too many very similar shots to sort through. With sports, the need might be there moreso than with birding.
I would love it if the EVF cameras could work as fast as the OVF ones. From what I understand, that is not the case. There is always a lag too long to make it useful for movement. Am I wrong?

Would love to get something which shoots between 10 and 14 fps. For sports, I miss a lot of action using the D7100 at 6fps in native, not as many at 7fps in 1.3x image mode which is only useful for field sports and not indoor sports. Miss even fewer at 8fps with the D700 but enough. 10fps would help a lot in that regard. Of course, than I would want 12 to 14fps over time. o_O

What I need to investigate is Wi-Fi for the D700 again. Maybe it's worth plucking down $750 for the WT-4a to send images to my iPhone instead of spending thousands to change systems. Just burns me Eye-Fi can do it for less than $50 with an SD card. :mad:
Actually, I haven't found the EVF vs OVF debate to be quite as bad as oft rumored to be - I use both when shooting birds-in-flight, which with the smaller and faster birds is usually where that EVF lag is always brought up as being a deal-killer...yet I haven't found it to be all that much more difficult to follow the action while firing a burst - I've been able to keep up my panning/tracking even with swallows, swifts, martins, and other tiny fast erratic missles. I've predominantly used the 6fps mode, rather than the 11fps - but from what I'm told the 11fps mode refreshes the EVF even faster so it theoretically shouldn't be a hindrance. It's more a matter of just getting used to it. That said, I have always used OVF cameras, and I tend to like some of the other advantages they offer - much better battery life for one, a little less eye-strain maybe when shooting all day long, and a little better view of high-contrast scenes in bright light (though ironically the 'lower' res EVF on the A6000 is actually better to my eye than the higher-res NEX5/7/6 EVF - by turning down the res a touch, they seem to have squeezed in better handling of high contrast scenes without as much blown highlight and more shadow detail, and also less noisy and grainy in low light). One thing I find I am wishing my DSLR had are the essentially infinite focus points covering about 98% of the frame in the A6000 - when I go back to tracking with the DSLR, I forget that I need to make sure one of the 15 or so focus points clustered more in the center of the frame is on subject or I can miss - with the A6000 all I need to do is get the subject in the frame, and the system can find it and lay focus points on it...even way down in the lower right corner.
The problem is Nikon just isn't even considering us type of "paid" photographers, the part time "do it 'cause we love it" types. At the moment they only care about the "buy new bodies every couple of years and write them all off by then" types. I'm lucky enough to have a D4s right now, and I'd say 11fps is for me a good sweet spot. It's fast enough for a short burst to capture just the right moment. Not that I wouldn't say no to more fps, but I sure as heck wouldn't want to have to go back to less fps, which is what Nikon is forcing all too many D300 and D700 shooters to do. If I were in that boat I'd look hard at the new Canon 7D Mk2.

that's ok, if the big 2 do not get some serious r&d going and some serious efforts into mirror less, they are going to get their a** es handed to them in a few years, i read a report in the financial state of the imaging industry recently, 43% of camera sales in asia and east are already the mirror less bodies. with that expected to rise every year. makes me wonder if there will be great mirrorless pro feature bodies showing up only in the asian market, not available to the us/europe market in a couple of years
and because i do my bluegrass work on the barter system it generates no income towards new equipment, so i guess i can't join you pro guys
@zackiedawg been looking at the SONY A77ii specs. Not bad. 12fps, Wi-Fi (I believe there's an iPhone app for SONY cameras), 1.5x crop sensor, dual SD card slots, buttons for lots of things (have not looked too closely here yet), good ergonomic grip and 79 focus points for AF. Good ISO but not to sure about the Auto ISO. Seems to be a step backwards from Nikon's from what I could tell.

My first SLR camera was a Minolta and the Minolta glass was superb. I hope it still is under the SONY flag.

If I was to switch to a Canon D7Mk2 or SONY A77ii, it would be for sports only. I would keep my D700 and FX lenses for everything else. Sell the D7100 with the Tokina 11-16mm. Then get a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens and a mid-range zoom for the new body.
well I just got the D750. gonna give it a go tomorrow at Forsythe. cant wait to see how good the focusing system is and just found out it also has a new metering system that allows it to be set for preserving highlights which can come in handy with adult bald eagles and supposed to be able to focus in lower light than even the d4s and the extra stop of ISO but that really isnt that big of an issue as I dont shoot in the dark. the buffer is a little better than the D610. 16 raws vr 14. I can live with 6.5 fps and 16 raw after using the d7100 which I love except for that stupid buffer it has
I've used the highlight priority metering on the D810 a few times in the setting they talk about most for its use, actors in a live stage. It works in that setting. It'll be interesting to see your results.

me too. so far it seems it is made for shooting moving things in mixed lighting and things with white moving around such as an adult bald eagle with white head and tail. I really want to test the group auto focus. friend has the d4s and d810 and says it focuses real fast for birds in flight.
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first impressions are
this thing focuses so fast. that group AF in amazing. even with a 1.4 tele on the 600 which always slowed down the focusing somewhat on the d7100 and d610.
more to come as I test it out. light sucked today
a non scientific test of high ISO
ISO 16,000
I am impressed by the amount of detail still present like the hair around his mouth and paws and on his back and the detail on the front of the cushions

ISO test of D750 by ex_fuzz, on Flickr
Imagine if they could put that sensor into a D700 class of body with faster fps (10-12). Even if it needs a battery grip to do so. Sigh...maybe Nikon will shock the world at CES but rumors have been mostly about a D7200 and another D3xxx body. Double sigh.