I'm right there with you. ; Part of my decision to go with the NEX5N over the NEX7 was the 16MP vs 24MP...the 24MP was just overkill for me. ; I already had to face down the new computer and backup upgrade - just did that this summer (for a nice fat 4-figure number), after upgrading to two 16MP cameras and having filled up 250GB of harddrive and backup space.
Admittedly though in the full-frame arena, I'd be willing to go up to 24MP as the pixel pitch wouldn't be all too different from the 16MP APS-C sensors I'm using now, which perform very well. ; 36MP though just sounds like too much and more than needed. ; Sometimes the crop ability might be nice, but the rest of the time would be spent constantly cropping or resizing and watching HD space fill up like the Titanic after the iceberg.