Nikon announces the 24mp D600: 5.5 fps, $2100, full frame

I"m glad I picked up my local camera store's last D700 a few weeks ago. ; The D600 looks like a step down, while the D800 uses way too much disk space.
Good for you, Dennis. ; I can not believe Nikon will leave the D700-like body for long. ; The D600 & D800 are not for action shooters. ; The D700 with the MB-10 (or a third party) battery pack hits 8fps. ;

I am still hoping for a D900 with the D4 sensor and D700 style body.
"Scottwdw" said:
Good for you, Dennis. ; I can not believe Nikon will leave the D700-like body for long. ; The D600 & D800 are not for action shooters. ; The D700 with the MB-10 (or a third party) battery pack hits 8fps. ;

I am still hoping for a D900 with the D4 sensor and D700 style body.

The only hope is that Sony draws attention with the A99. ; Nikon is following Canon's lead - if you want full frame at that speed, you need the top of the line model. ; Canon doesn't have a non-grip FX body for action, you would need to get a DX camera for that.

Someone else (online) posted recently that the A99 was the full frame D800 most people were looking for.
"Roger" said:
Someone else (online) posted recently that the A99 was the full frame D800 most people were looking for.

Great, hope SONY sells a whole lot of them A99's so Nikon will "listen" to their customer base. ; They don't seem to otherwise. ; :P
"Scottwdw" said:
Great, hope SONY sells a whole lot of them A99's so Nikon will "listen" to their customer base. ; They don't seem to otherwise. ; :P

I think Sony users hope so too, because if they don't, then it's basically the end for full frame from Sony.
Depends - Sony may or may not be intending to try the two-full-frame-body approach - there are still rumors of a 36MP full frame Sony to follow, that might be more sports oriented - the A99 may take a step down in price to compete with the D600 and the new 36Mp one will step into the higher price. ; And with their RX1 full frame fixed-lens rangefinder style cam, they're already coming back to market with two full framers.

The D600 looks much like what the Sony A850 was in it's day - a more stripped down full framer who's primary goal was to flaunt a low price for that type of camera (remember, that A850 was the first full-framer to knock the $2K mark).
I have said it again and I'll say it now...36MP is too much. ; 12MP works fine as did the 6MP before that. I do not see the advantage to 36MP unless you NEED to crop that much to get a usable 6MP image. ; ::)

One gets a 36MP sensor and it will lead into other upgrade expenses with computer to handle the bigger files, more memory for better processing speed, more hard drive space for the larger files, more backup space, etc. ; Maybe I am just too cheap. ; ;D
I'm right there with you. ; Part of my decision to go with the NEX5N over the NEX7 was the 16MP vs 24MP...the 24MP was just overkill for me. ; I already had to face down the new computer and backup upgrade - just did that this summer (for a nice fat 4-figure number), after upgrading to two 16MP cameras and having filled up 250GB of harddrive and backup space.

Admittedly though in the full-frame arena, I'd be willing to go up to 24MP as the pixel pitch wouldn't be all too different from the 16MP APS-C sensors I'm using now, which perform very well. ; 36MP though just sounds like too much and more than needed. ; Sometimes the crop ability might be nice, but the rest of the time would be spent constantly cropping or resizing and watching HD space fill up like the Titanic after the iceberg.
"zackiedawg" said:
I'm right there with you. ; Part of my decision to go with the NEX5N over the NEX7 was the 16MP vs 24MP...the 24MP was just overkill for me. ; I already had to face down the new computer and backup upgrade - just did that this summer (for a nice fat 4-figure number), after upgrading to two 16MP cameras and having filled up 250GB of harddrive and backup space.

Which is why the NEX-6 has been well received. ; They finally didn't do a "large megapixel lite features" model for less money, they did a "same # of megapixels with more features" model for less than the "more megapixels" model. ; You get a really good blend of both.