Nikon 50mm (or other) recommendation


I have access to a D800 and I'm looking to get a prime lens for general purpose shooting and keeping costs low! Any recommendations for a 50mm or other lens that would be cheap we would be great. ; Seems like there are many Nikon 50mm available including their older film versions which I am not opposed to, especially of I get get a great deal.
Define "access" Paul.

Is this going to be a regular occurence, or just when you need it?

Obviously the latest AF-S 50/1.4 is the best, although the Sigma 50 gets rave reviews too.

Personally with those many MP I would use the MF Zeiss 50. ;

But if you are looking for the best bang for your buck the old 50/1.8 is a great lens. ; It will AF but won't be as quiet as the modern USM/AF-S lenses.
Once thing about using the older Nikon lenses is that you can't override auto-focus by just turning the focus ring. ; You have to switch the camera to manual focus. ; That drives me crazy with my old 70-300.

Of course, if you're shooting relatively static subjects, that's not a problem.

Oh, and be sure to buy a few extra terabytes of hard drives so you have room for all of those 40 Mb raw files. :)
I would stay away from the "D" version and go with the newer "G" version. ; I have an 85mm f1.4D and a 50mm f1.4G and the G focuses much faster. ; As to weather the 1.4 is worth the extra cost, I don't know because I've never used the 1.8
I have the 1.8D. It's a fine little lens. It focuses plenty fast for my purposes and doesn't search much. It's pretty good at f/1.8 and very sharp at f/2.8. It is noisy and plasticy though.

One advantage of this lens is it can be picked up on eBay for less than $100 and re-sold for what you pay for it (just watch for a good one). You can't rent one for that price.
I shoot with a 50/1.8 a lot of the time. ; Used it with film a very long time ago. Cant beat it for the price.

Highly recommend, get the Nikon version. Avoid Sigma.