Night Time Path thru the Oasis


Staff member
I LOVE Animal Kingdom at night.... I think it's a beautiful park at night and only wish they would do the rumored torchlight parade that creeps up every so often...
Anyway, here is a night time path through the Oasis... very peaceful scene esp. when you can hear the waterfalls off to either side.

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Yes it is very beautiful on those few nights with extra magic evening hours. Except around CTX, Dinoland and Everest the paths are empty.
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I've never been to the Animal Kingdom at night. I'll have to try that on my next trip. Nice shot Tim I love pictures of paths it makes you wonder what's around the corner
You must have been coming down the Asia side...with all the curved bamboo poles?

Very nice shot - I like the lighting and atmosphere, and especially love those moments when you can photograph a section of the park with noone in it! Composition is very cool, with the two curved lamps closest to the camera sort of 'bookending' the shot.

I had the same inspiration last December coming out of the park on the Africa side...though the sky was a little lighter, but the trail was dark and the lights were on and noone on the trail:


Hopefully, we'll get more such opportunities in a few weeks at Mousefest!
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thanks george... flattery gets you everywhere.
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