Next WDW Trip - November 2009


Thought I would post the time of our next WDW trip. ; November 2009 and can't wait. ; Had a little trouble booking dining reservations but we got what we wanted. I suggest call early for reservations. ;

This year I Will have my Nikon D80 with me with several SD cards. ; I plan to fill as many as possible. ; I am thinking of taking a monopod with support legs for some fireworks pics. ; Any suggestions.......not sure if I want to carry around a tripod...I was looking at the Induro MXC45 Carbon 8X 5-Section Carbon Fiber Monopod, with Support Legs.
Cool beans. ; November is a great time to go. ; This will be our third straight year going in November. ;
We go the week of Thanksgiving and it is great. ; Weather is usually awesome and really not that crowded. Although last year night time temps got down in the 30's.....brrrrrrrrrr