New to Disney Dining Plan new Advice


Hi Everyone,
My family and I will be travelling to Disney Feb/2011. I know I'm excited and already looking into where to This site has been awesome. I looked into the different plans and was thinking of going with the 42.99/day adults and I think kids are around 12.00/Day. Plan would give me 1-counter service meal(Breakfast /Lunch) and a sitdown meal per night, plus 1 snack person. Is that enough food? I am concerned because that the plan does not included breakfast or the refillable cups. I dont want to run out of food...or drinks and then have to pay additional $$$ !!! Kids will be 4 and 5 at the time of trip!!! allthou they are not huge eaters... i'm just worried... Especially, since somethings we want to do require 2 dinners....

Any advice would be great!!!
We do the dining plan and have never been hungry!! ; There is so much to eat even though the dining plan no longer includes an appetizer. ; During out last trip in January we returned ; to our room with leftovers after every dinner and even left those in the fridge when we moved to another resort as we couldn't imagine ever being able to consume the leftovers with another day of meals ahead of us! ; I usually take granola bars with us to have in the event we are somewhere that we need a quick snack, or in the room, but I don't think we used any other than while waiting at the airport. ; If you select your meals and book reservations you can eat at many all inclusive buffets that would fill anyone. ; We do try to organize our day that we would either have a large late breakfast, or early lunch depending on the park and plans and then snack mid-day and then our reserved dinner. ; O'Hana's, Boma, Cape May offer unlimited food and I'm sure others here can recommend other locations. ;
we always get the dining plan, and can't usually use all the counter service meals ... there's lots of food (however, we sometimes run out of the table service, and/or pay out of pocket for a couple of 2 credit ones) - you can take a piece of fruit as a dessert too, for a snack later
Dining plan leaves LOTS of food.

If you know that you will have a table-service meal left, plan to go to a dinner show. ; They count as two dinner credits and are AMAZING! ; My clients love Hoop-de-Doo Musical Revue.
We have gotten the dining plan the last 3 times we've gone (the regular one with table service). ; The first time still included the appetizers and it was WAY too much food. ; Even without, you will not go hungry! ; If you like to eat, you'll be fine - we've always used at least one or two meals under the 2x credit offerings (i.e. Cinderella Castle, Hoop Dee Doo) and still had plenty of meals, so don't worry about using those. ; The only "complaint" I'd have is that the kids offerings were not great for the counter service - in alot of places, the only choice was a peanut butter sandwich and they got sick of that. ; I did hear (and I'm not sure if it's true or if it has since changed) that they don't track the counter service between kid and adult credits and that we actually could have gotten adult counter service for the kids. ; That would have opened up the options quite a bit, especially with our 8-year old who would have enjoyed a flat-bread pizza or something a bit more imaginative here and there.

Value for money, we always thought, was great overall - especially when you see how much things cost! ; You could do it for less for sure (sharing meals, bringing food, etc.) but if you would otherwise eat out the whole time, I think the dining plan is a good buy.

I would definitely recommend doing the 6-months out reservations for your table services though; you'd hate to pay and then not eat where you really want to...
I have these booked

Sci Fine Dining or 50s Prime
Crystal Palace
Le Cellier
Coral Reef
Chef Mickey or 1900 Park Fare

I have one too many. Which would you cut. Or should I pay for one of them like Sci-Fi as I'm guessing its the cheapest?
Not sure if it's too late to do the Hoop Dee Do Revue with 2 of your credits? ; Not sure if you kids are boys or girls but my son last year (5 at the time) thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen...