New or Classic Disney Movies?

I love the classic Disney movies, I pretty much stopped watching them when they started using CGI for special effects and cartoons. The old movies were art, these new movies are like every other move at the theater.

You know, I never realized just how dark some of those stories actually were. I read the originally Little Mermaid story and was stunned! My childhood was ruined haha. Some of the original French stories are very dark as well. It's worth looking into if you're a fan, the stories might surprise you.

I had to read an excerpt from the original Cinderella. It was quite bloody and completely ruined the idea of someone slipping a crystal slipper on to my foot. Ever. However, I thought it was good and interesting. I can appreciate that they remade them for children, as well as the originals.

To answer the question about classics or new. I love them both. I believe as children change and the worlds around them change with time its probably good for them to see animation that goes with that. I think it can inspire them as can seeing how it evolved and where it came from. Its also good for adults to remember.