New movies?

Not sure how you feel about Marvel movies, but I thought Captain America: The Winter Soldier was great. Played my like a spy movie than a superhero movie. My 2 cents.
If you like Quentin Tarantino, and haven't watched "Django", do so, NOW (it's not disney though)

Thor 2 was pretty good too =)
My husband and I have been overseas and noticed that everyone is talking about a Disney movie that came out called, Frozen. We finally had a chance to see it and found it to be everything that Disney promises. Possibly the difference was the fact that instead of heterosexual love, the film focused on sisterly love. But I am curious if the public in general was thirsty for a good Disney film and that was the reason for the films big success.
The best movies I watched recently was The Book Thief and Divergent! I loved the books, so I'm biased, but both movies were awesome! I'm planning on watching Divergent at the movies again because I loved it so much.
The best Disney film lately has definitely been Frozen.
As far as other films go...
The recent LEGO movie was fantastic.
I really want to see the new Captain America movie.
Frozen was a throwback to what Disney films used to be, much better than The Princess and the Frog (which I had such high hopes for, but there really was something lacking in the formula).

One movie that I will definitely be watching this year is Maleficent. Among the Disney villain greats, her profile is the most recognizable of all. I loved her when I was a kid, and now I am so excited that there's going to be a live-action movie all about her. Plus, Angelina Jolie is playing her. A must-watch!