New Little Baby

sounds like a fun camera once you get used to its "quirks".
I too am liking the colors in all the shots.
Neat to see sometimes how some of the older cameras in the digital realm can produce that special something in the photos that seems lost in the race for megapixels. ; I still have the same feeling about photos from my old Sony F717, which still shames cameras 6 years newer mostly because of a fairly large P&S sensor with only 5MP, great lens, and good manual controls. ; Your camera looks like it'll be a legend 10 years on, when much else has been forgotten.
"Jeff Fillmore" said:
You are on the right track- it is a rangefinder.

Here is the lens... ; Voigtlander Nokton 40mm f/1.4

My first camera was a Voigtlander range finder. The film was advanced with a "plunger" up and down method instead of the more common film advance method of most cameras of the day. The camera had been my mother's and she gave it to me my freshman year to learn photography. I still have it pack away somewhere with multiple lens. ; It must be 40 or 50 years old by now.

I found a link to the model I have made in 1956

I should find it and shoot some film.