New Game - I Spy Disney Style

I can only think of one more thing - and then I am out of guesses for this one

House of Blues?
Where are all the other members guessing? Especially Minnie since she started this game....

I really am stumped for this one...
Is it the stitch that spits water? (he's kind of blue isn't he?)
ding ding ding ding ding! ; We have a winner!

Yes, Sean... it's Stitch (I think it's so cute that they dress him up for different events.... in April '06 he was wearing bunny ears and holding a decorated egg for Easter.... in Feb. he was dressed as a pirate)


(unfortunately, I don't have the most recent pic resized and uploaded yet)

Ok, Sean... your turn!
OKay my turn ...

This is at Disney-MGM

I spy something that is yellow, blue, pink, red and green
Muppets? ; (I really have no clue, but there hasn't been any action in a week, so I'm taking a shot in the dark)
Next clue.....

You can see hem down by the Stunt Show in MGM... But they are not part of the show!

and if you have children .... they would know what the colors mean