New DCA preview website!

Yes, it's nice to see that WDI seems to be on the right track as of now. ; It should be a policy that if you greenlight a project then it needs to be funded properly or not at all.

I'm looking at you, Rocket Rods.[nb]If they had banked the curves, which would have been very expensive and time consuming, that ride may have been a success. ; That and if it didn't use TWO ride/show structures..... ; It was fun to ride except for the constant speed changes.[/nb]
it's going to cost more to renovate the park than it did to build it to begin with, no?

In fact I remember reading that at one point they actually did consider closing the park to raze it and start over from scratch, since it would have been cheaper to do what they want to do.

Hopefully the main entrance still gets redone (the problem is timing because of other construction in the park).
"Roger" said:

In fact I remember reading that at one point they actually did consider closing the park to raze it and start over from scratch, since it would have been cheaper to do what they want to do.

I would've been more open to the close, raze, and rebuild option. ; If they built it from front-to-back, then they could open it back up in stages. ; Instead they seem to be doing some sort of back-to-front thing that is really making it annoying to tour the park. ; The construction walls make some of the pathways really, really narrow