NEW ARTICLE: Reverse Lens Technique


Staff member
Roni Delmonico (hulagirl) provided a great article on the reverse lens technique...

"When I first learned about the Reverse Lens Method of macro photography, I honestly thought it sounded like an amazing idea but had very little belief that it could produce a truly worthwhile macro image. How wrong I was. Reverse Lens is a remarkably inexpensive way to shoot macro, very simply, with little equipment and with extraordinary and unusual results. It takes practice and patience, as all macro photography techniques do but it yields dreamy, almost surreal results, once mastered.

Early on, before I had done any research on the subject, I simply took my 50mm lens off the camera, turned it, just as the name suggests, in reverse...and held it by hand against the lens opening on the camera body, using my hand to keep out as much of the light as possible..."

To read the rest of the article, CLICK HERE

Hey! ; Thank you. :)

Reverse Lens is alot of fun. ; I hope some of you will give it a try this winter when you're looking for something to do that won't cause you to freeze half to death!
Roni, those are all beautiful images!
Thanks so much for sharing. I will absolutely try this now. I have never heard of this before you talked about it.

I cant wait for my frangipani to bloom so that I can try it!

Thanks for sharing!

I guess if I have to pick a favorite I would go with these:


Great article Roni, I am definitely going to go and try this tomorrow morning. ; I have some flowers out front that would work well with this I think.
Yay! ; I'm so excited you guys are gonna try it. ; It takes alot of patience and the slightest breeze can cause a blurry image so sometimes it's just easier to bring stuff inside and shoot at the kitchen table or counter, near a brightly lit window. ; Have fun and thank you for the nice comments!:) ; Craig, that top shot is my all time fave reverse lens shot. ; It's like my little macro friend.:)

I gave you guys a shout out on my blog tonight. :) ; Hope you enjoy it. :star:

You can read about it here... ... dwyer.html
Great article Roni! ; I have played around with reversed lenses but didn't get anything that was very good. ; I'll have to try it again sometime.