Need parking! (Solved)

Re: Need parking!

Got that one! It's above the Starring Rolls Cafe, where the outdoor seating area is with the umbrellas...just to the right of the cafe when looking at the building from the seating area.
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Re: Need parking!

Very good!! I thought this one might have been harder because you have to sit there to see it. Guess you have eaten there. One of our favorite places to go when we first get to the park.
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Yeah...I'm generally good at finding the more out-of-the-way type eateries, as I do enjoy sitting and relaxing especially in the hot summers, and just take in the surroundings and details!
Know what you mean. Now that we are getting older, we sometimes like to sit and just watch the people. (Actually we need the rest.) We sometimes play a game while waiting called "stupid shoes". We are amazed at some of the shoes, especially the women, wear to the parks that look like their feet would be killing them after all the walking you do in a day at one of the parks.
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I basically don't enjoy the mad rush through the parks anymore - the past 10 years or so, I've come to the conclusion that I always have the best time up there when there's no schedule, no rush, nothing I HAVE to do, etc. I don't make ADRs, don't use Fast Passes very often, and generally don't wait on lines over 45 minutes. My friends and family all love the same vibe, and now that's the only way they'll go too. We take an extra while grabbing lunch, with some hanging out time, look for great shady benches or walls to do some peoplewatching, linger through the off-path stores and displays, hang out an hour or two past close of the parks to avoid crowds, spend half a day or more just touring the monorail and the boats to various resorts to walk the resort grounds and take in the atmosphere, eat at good restaurants and enjoy an adult beverage or two at the various's a great way to do Disney!

We locals have an advantage too, since we can go 5 or 6 times a year or anything missed one time can be made up the next. :)
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