My Online Gallery

I don't know if this is the appropriate place to post this or not. What site would you recommend for an online gallery? If you need any specifics to give a recommendation just ask.
It will depend on if you want to manage it yourself. I can't remember what Tim uses, I use Coppermine right now (which is open source, and you just need a little knowledge of basic website directory structure) and lots of web design software out there can just export to HTML files to upload.

So you can:

1) host it yourself by using a web hosting company
2) Use sites like smugmug, flickr, pbase (I use flickr for my family pics - ACDSee Pro 2 has upload capabilities for the first two so that's why I opened the full account)
3) (if you have a Mac) Use a .Mac account, which will interface with iPhoto 08 to host. I like the look of the .Mac galleries, and I'll probably switch sometime in Feb.
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I enjoy using Flickr. I paid for the pro account, and feel as I have gotten my money's worth for the $25.
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I need to learn some web stuff but don't right now. I have access to a mac and would like to get a .Mac but the primary computer I'm stuck with a PC. So I will go with a site like smugmug, flikr, or pbase. Out of sites like that what should I use.
Flickr, and try ACDSee. Even the "basic" version includes the Flickr & Smugmug uploader, and they've apparently worked the bugs out (at least according to the updated version of Pro 2)
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also check out phanfare, it's what i use, it's more costly than flicker and some of the others, but the good aspect is no file size limit per se, full res jpegs are uploaded, and this now becomes an off site fully available backup if something happens to your files
there currently is a limit of 3000 photos to an album, 500 to a gallery, but i've only approached the limit once, my med cruise album is 2497 photos, and i believe the largest gallery is about 300+ for the day spent on the amalfi coast
i'm a satisfied customer
I joined PBase in June 06 after using a cheapo site for a few years - It's been great. I like the layouts, and as others said I liked that it felt more presentable and 'professional'. It's very easy to do uploads (drop them in a .zip folder and upload any number of pictures at once) limits on resolution or file size, allows linking and posting without limits, you can sell if you want, make some galleries private and others public, etc. They are currently selling blocks of 500MB for $23 a year, which is in line with most other sites, with the flexibility to use that 500MB however you want (more pics at smaller res, less pics at higher res).

I've got nearly 1,400 photos on my site, separated into 31 galleries and sub-galleries - with no problems so far.
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