My early Birthday/Xmas Gift (pics)


Friday night wonderful Sean decided to give me my Birthday/Xmas gift a bit early. So we got in the car and he told me to close my eyes which I did. We stopped and I remember it getting really bright. He helped me out of the car and then I opened my eyes. We were standing infront of a car dealership. My gift from him was a 2007 Honda Fit. He went through weeks of planning, picking out the color and organizing so I could have a brand new car. I have so many emotions I am just overwhelmed. I am sure the dealer thought I was nuts when I was amazed that I had cup holders. ; My previous (as of Friday) car was a 20 year old beater that broke down three times in the last two months, is old enough it has a hand choke (everyone laughs), no stereo, and a bungee cord going from the blinker switch to the wiper switch because they are broken. But it is still ticking. I now have a tres safe, reliable, wonderful car and amazing husband. ; Oh and one more thing. ; Before I got into my new car to drive it off, Sean and the sales guy sang Happy Birthday to me. ; Nice touch!! ; ;D ;D ;D

Here is my brand new car, and my old car sitting beside it. Now if I could only get a parking space at our condo complex and not Walmart...

My new car with my very old car beside it


Jealous! ; I want a Honda... any Honda *laugh*

Sweet gift! ; Congrats on the car (and Happy Birthday!), Minnie.... and good call, Sean! :)
Congrats! ; Was looking at the Fit as well. ; Cool little car. ; Very spunky. ;
We ended up getting a Mazda 5 though, as its a wee bit bigger. ; That, and the Fit was retail, no budging. >:(
Drive safe.
Oh, and Happy B-day too!