Hi all,
I am doing my doctoral research on customer loyalty.I thought that it might be a good idea to share relevant details about it here.
Firms usually come up with strategies like frequent flier miles/loyalty cards to build customer loyalty.But such strategies bring in customers' bodies into the firms and not their minds.Many customers are loyal to such firms as long as the deal is good.So it is not surprising that defection rate in such companies' is around 70-90%.
The idea of my dissertation is that you cannot but loyalty,but have to earn it.Loyalty is not just behavior,but also has an emotional dimension.Loyalty built on emotion endures longer than loyalty built on loyalty cards.For example customer loyalty for firms like Disney is based on emotions.So it will last longer than customer loyalty for a firm like Macy's.
It is easy to hypothesize this, but proving it is an altogether different task
..To prove this I have to measure customer loyalty and emotional bonds in Disney and Macy's and find out whether emotional bonds and loyalty for disney is relatively higher.
I have hosted my questionnaire on survey monkey, the research website.If you want to have a look at my questionnaire on Disney and how I measure loyalty,emotional bonds,service quality of Disney you are more than welcome to do so.
Survey URl:
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=L ... OCrA_3d_3d
If you want to participate in this survey, you are most welcome to do so.None of your personal details are collected(except age,gender).Further from research funds,for every 75 respondents, one lucky winner will get $50.If 75 respondents come from disneymagic group,I will run a seperate raffle for this group.(Maximum of 5 winners)
Sampath Ranganathan
Doctoral Student in Marketing
A320 Fogelman College of Business and Economics
University of Memphis
Email: srangana@memphis.edu, sampathphd2007@yahoo.com
Phone: 901-340-1754
I am doing my doctoral research on customer loyalty.I thought that it might be a good idea to share relevant details about it here.
Firms usually come up with strategies like frequent flier miles/loyalty cards to build customer loyalty.But such strategies bring in customers' bodies into the firms and not their minds.Many customers are loyal to such firms as long as the deal is good.So it is not surprising that defection rate in such companies' is around 70-90%.
The idea of my dissertation is that you cannot but loyalty,but have to earn it.Loyalty is not just behavior,but also has an emotional dimension.Loyalty built on emotion endures longer than loyalty built on loyalty cards.For example customer loyalty for firms like Disney is based on emotions.So it will last longer than customer loyalty for a firm like Macy's.
It is easy to hypothesize this, but proving it is an altogether different task

I have hosted my questionnaire on survey monkey, the research website.If you want to have a look at my questionnaire on Disney and how I measure loyalty,emotional bonds,service quality of Disney you are more than welcome to do so.
Survey URl:
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=L ... OCrA_3d_3d
If you want to participate in this survey, you are most welcome to do so.None of your personal details are collected(except age,gender).Further from research funds,for every 75 respondents, one lucky winner will get $50.If 75 respondents come from disneymagic group,I will run a seperate raffle for this group.(Maximum of 5 winners)
Sampath Ranganathan
Doctoral Student in Marketing
A320 Fogelman College of Business and Economics
University of Memphis
Email: srangana@memphis.edu, sampathphd2007@yahoo.com
Phone: 901-340-1754