Mr. Contemporary

my fav cop movie is LA Confidential and One False Move a close 2nd
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"Craig" said:
And your hostess, Mrs. Contemporary!!!

This too can all be yours if The Price is Right!

Sorry Craig, I had to throw that out there. That photo was screaming for it! ;)
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"PolynesianMedic" said:
This too can all be yours if The Price is Right!

Sorry Craig, I had to throw that out there. That photo was screaming for it! ;)

That's exactly what she was doing!!!
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and in the beginning there was the contemporary, and only the contemporary
reputed to the only surviving turn of the century tintype of the contemporary lobby, when questioned, mr contemporary, official historian of bendele towers stated, no i've got one older than that, i've been going here since i was a pup

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