Might this be my hardest one yet!? (SOLVED)

Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

Flights of wonder is headed in the right direction, but still a little way to go. The Asia bridge is a bit farther away actually. Keep heading west.

Keep dwelling on it, you might find it!
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Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

Not quite. Might have warmed up a bit from the previous guesses...but maybe went a bit too far west!

Hmmm...does 'dwelling' have something to do with it? I'd say it's a possibility. But it's not Tusker House (good guess...maybe too obvious though).

I hope this very tough thread isn't leaving everyone high and dry...I'm afraid I've stilted everyone here!

Now that you've gone too far west, follow the eastern star to guide you there.
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Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

OK, one more shot. Let's try Mr. Kamal's, on the walkway from Asia to Africa just past Flights of Wonder.
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Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

Nope...not quite there either! This one's proven to be quite tough I guess - better than those express ones that are solved in 1 post. Keep narrowing it down...and take a close look for any cues I may have dropped in the last few posts.
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Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

Wheww!! Boy, I give up. No more guesses here. That's a good one Justin. :P
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Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

OK...time to summarize the clues before revealing:

1. Blur has significance
2. West of Asia
3. Dwelling
4. High and dry
5. Stilted
6. Eastern Star
7. Express

Anyone narrowing down yet?
Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

Isn't there a viewing area that is made of bamboo that is along the river that looks over to the Tree of Life (basically opposite of what I had proposed in the previous post). I don't recall any buildings inland on that trail between Asia and Africa.
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Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

is this one of the set pieces on the train back from rafiki's?
Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

Someone's on the right track now! Indeed...this is something you see on the train TO Rafiki's Planet Watch/Conservation Station. Good work Tim!

It's the actual Indonesian thatch-stilt homes on display (they were made for real by Indonesian artisans)...the train was moving at a clip and it was late in the day with poor light there, so the motion blur was the train's motion and too slow shutter because I had just a few seconds to shoot it and no time to bump up ISO. I decided to shoot it as I was passing it, just for WAI...so I wasn't too worried about the photo quality!

When I get home tonight, I can post the original for the reveal.

Just FYI, a breakdown of my clues:

1. Blur has significance - the moving train
2. West of Asia - well, it is!
3. Dwelling - because it's a display of Indonesian homes
4. High and dry - Because the homes are elevated...
5. Stilted - On stilts!
6. Eastern Star - The name of the fictitious railroad company that runs the train you're riding on
7. Express - for 'Wildlife Express', the name of the train
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Re: Might this be my hardest one yet!?

Fantastic Justin! never noticed that detail before. your'e right it is a hard shot to get. I got this in the rain using iso1600 and f2.8!!

Nice One!

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Well Craig's shot is gone, and I forgot to put a 'solved' on this after all the server switchover issues...

So here is my blurry original I took the crop from:

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