Mickey's Backyard BBQ


We are currently planning a trip to WDW for early September and right now are discussing dining options. We will be traveliing as a family (My Wife, My 2 year old son and I) One of the dining areas we are quite intrigued by is Mickey's Backyard BBQ.

What is everybody's opinion of this place?

Would we have to pay full price for a 2 year old?

Is it really all you can drink BEER?

What other dining experiences would you recommend? We did Cinderellas Castle last summer and the food was magnificent!

"scratch" said:
Hoop-De-Doo Revue!

It's corny but a great laugh and the food is good and it also includes the drinks!

I agree on Hoop De Doo!!!! ; It was good fun... and the fried chicken, ribs and cornbread were excellent (even if I ended up on stage in a tutu). ;
It depend on your little one, and how active they are.

Hoop Dee Doo is fantastic. ; My family goes every trip. ; However, our first trip with DD #2 happened when she was 18 months old - we had to go to Hoop Dee Doo because it was our family tradition (I have another daughter, 6.5 years older than my youngest). But, for dd #2's 1st visit to HDD, she and I spent the dinner show time walking up and down the stairs... the jokes and the dinner show were a little over her head - she was just fascinated by the stairs (and we spent time outside on the staff patio as well.) ; The food was fantastic however - as was the beer! :-)

I've done Mickey's Backyard BBQ as well - again, depends on your little one and how protective you guys are. ; The characters do come down to dance with the wee ones. ; Which means there is a little crowding around, and it's very hard to keep your eye and hand on your little one (unless they are in your arms). ; I was overly cautious, perhaps, with my first dear daughter when we went (she was 4, and very busy - would run towards Minnie, fearless of crowd - and where I was ) - she absolutely LOVED it. ; I was a nervous wreck. ; The food was great, the characters were great, the floor show great, but we're waiting until the second DD gets older before we try it again.

Both spots are fantastic - but you have to know your child and how they (and you) will respond in a crowd . ; If they're the sort of child that stays in your arms, you're good to go. If not, prepare for how they will respond, and judge yourself accordingly.

With my kiddies, we got the most enjoyment out of the character meals like Chef Mickey's, Cinderella, etc.

Let me know if you need any help!

"highland3" said:
"scratch" said:
Hoop-De-Doo Revue!

It's corny but a great laugh and the food is good and it also includes the drinks!

Can you prove that with at picture?

I agree on Hoop De Doo!!!! ; It was good fun... and the fried chicken, ribs and cornbread were excellent (even if I ended up on stage in a tutu). ;