Mickey (SOLVED)

Re: Mickey

Yes, It's on the wall in "The Magic of Disney Animation" where the artists teach us how to draw Disney characters at Hollywood Studios
Re: Mickey

It's fun, isn't it? ; I have no drawing talent, but the pictures I've done there are recognizable as Disney characters!
Re: Mickey

Indeed! ; My wife and I both did a drawing of Scrooge McDuck the last time we were there. ; Both drawings are quite recognizable and we kept them both.
Re: Mickey

We had ignored the Animation Academy until last visit. ; I happened to be in the gallery store just outside the Animation Academy and a guy walked up to me and told me how good it was. ; He explained he just finished his eighth consecutive session at the Animation Academy.

I felt he was either crazy or it was good :)

We drew Pooh and, although I have positively no artistic talent whatsoever, it came out ok :)

I'll try it again next visit :)
