Maybe I worry too Much!


We're taking my daughter to Florida at the end of July/ early Auguust.

I'm starting to get paranoid about hurricanes. ; Should I be worried?

Are you staying on-site at Disney? ; By all accounts I've read, on the rare occasions when WDW has been hit, they've really gone above and beyond to make things as easy as possible for their guests.

Unless a hurricane hits directly (and they I don't think the eye goes right across the middle of the state too often... altough I admit I haven't paid that much attention most years), as long as you're prepared for the possibility of a wet week, you'll probably be fine. ; And remember... these folks are well versed in how to prepare for and get through hurricanes, you can probably trust them to let you know what you need to do, and to ensure your visit is a safe one!
I completely agree with Treelo..........

I remember reading a review from someone who had been at Disney a few years ago when there was a hurricane, and other than a massive amount of rain, there were no other problems.
I think it would be ok. ; Like everyone else, I haven't heard of Hurricanes hitting WDW. ; Could you imagine how much clean up there would be? ; I say take your daughter and have a great time. ; Stay on site. ; It was the first time we stayed on site and I will never go back. ; It was great!
Thanks for all your help!

That's what I've kinda thought... i assumed if they hit Disney you would hear about hoe much everything had been destroyed and I've never heard anything like that.

We will be staying on site for the first week and then meeting up with my paretns at a house they are renting (not far away) they will have my daughter for the first week.

We stayed on site last time and i can't say that i thought it was the greatest... the perks were great and the cloesness was great but we stayed at a value resort and I will never do that again... we're staying at the coronado this time
thanks again
Yeah... I've heard the value resorts leave a lot to be desired.... but I've heard great things about Coronado Springs (just be prepared for a lot of walking... apparently it sprawls) :)