Magic Meets

I just got back from Magic Meets in Pennsylvania. The drive home was 7 hours but worth it we went though some beautiful country along the way. It was great meeting other Disney fans and I even met some listeners of my podcast. My favourite breakout sessions were Len Testa's touring plan session he went over some new more generalized plans that will be comming out in the new edition of the Unofficial Guide. Lou Mongello's trivia session was fun where you were eliminated once you made an error. My wife went to Steven Barrett's hidden Mickey's and Kevin Fonner at home imagineering breakout sessions she really enjoyed Steven's sessions they even voted on new hidden Mickey's. The kids also had a blast they say they can't wait until next year. There was an auction for Lou Mongello's Dream Team Project which raised $9000 for the Make a Wish foundation. I was hopping for the private Hidden Mickey tour with Steve Barrett but at $300+ was out of my range. Congratulations to Lou and the Dream team what a job they did putting the auction together and running it. The meet sold out in 10 days so if you want to get in for next year register at to be notified when tickets go on sale.