Season 1 Recap
Well, we've made it through season 1 on DVD, and it was a lot of fun to see not only how consistent some of the characters have been right from the beginning, but in some cases, how the writers were trying to figure out some of the characters and how different they've become as a result.
Jack was holier-than-thou pretty much from the beginning, but he had some very heroic moments: his efforts in saving everyone that first day were amazing, as was the way he took care of Boone and took control of that entire situation, even if he had a nervous breakdown the next day. He swings from being controlling with Kate (even condescending as if he's her parent) to aligning himself with her, asking her if she has his back in the finale.
Locke has developed from the unknown quantity in the beginning who had the miracle happen to him, who had "400 knives," who was hunting for boar, and who was an active member of the group to the one who found the hatch and became so obsessed with opening it he detached himself from the group. His actions led to the death of Boone. He's gone from seeing the eye of the island and thinking it's beautiful to looking into the mouth of terror in the finale and almost being dragged to his death. He saved Jack from falling over a cliff at the beginning of the season, and Jack saved him from being pulled into the hole at the end.
Kate has been one of the most consistent characters right from the start. At once tough and vulnerable, she has her Achilles heel in Tom's plane, but has a
soft spot for others -- Claire, Sun, Jack, Sawyer -- and her tenderness often gets in the way of her judgment. I really loved this character in season 1.
Jin moved from angry Asian man, and Sun his subservient wife, to a lovely couple that had their own complex issues. But we know those issues will only become MORE complex in the next few seasons.
Sawyer showed signs of the hero he would eventually become -- jumping in the water after the rudder; pulling the gun on the Others; handing over all of
his liquor bottles the moment Kate asked for them for Boone, etc. For the most part, Sawyer still played the part of the selfish ass, but his development just in season 1 is huge.
Hurley has been a fun guy right from the start, and we haven't yet begun to delve into his much deeper pain. That will happen in season 2. But I loved him
right from the beginning, and he's another character who's remained pretty constant.
Charlie was a lovable mutt in season 1, but then he tells off Rousseau, calling her pathetic in the finale, and from that moment on he'll take on a cruel streak. He's won the trust of both Claire and Locke, and he'll lose that completely in season 2.
Claire was a happy hippie chick, I was a bit confused as to what happened to her. I know what happened: motherhood. Watch her in the next two seasons as she becomes stressed and worried about Aaron all the time. Not only that, but the poor thing lost her memory, and everything she knows in season 4 is what she'd pieced together in the previous 4 seasons... in season 5 she's just gone, but she'll be back next year.
The island was mysterious right from the get-go, with a monster at the beginning of the season that was dangerous to some, beautiful to others. There was one other person living on the island -- Rousseau -- but when Ethan invades their midst, they realize they're not alone on this island. In the season finale, the appearance of Tom and the rest of the Others on the boat signals that not only are there other people on the island, but they have an agenda, and it's not a nice one.
And then there's that hatch...
So what did you think of season 1?
Well, we've made it through season 1 on DVD, and it was a lot of fun to see not only how consistent some of the characters have been right from the beginning, but in some cases, how the writers were trying to figure out some of the characters and how different they've become as a result.
Jack was holier-than-thou pretty much from the beginning, but he had some very heroic moments: his efforts in saving everyone that first day were amazing, as was the way he took care of Boone and took control of that entire situation, even if he had a nervous breakdown the next day. He swings from being controlling with Kate (even condescending as if he's her parent) to aligning himself with her, asking her if she has his back in the finale.
Locke has developed from the unknown quantity in the beginning who had the miracle happen to him, who had "400 knives," who was hunting for boar, and who was an active member of the group to the one who found the hatch and became so obsessed with opening it he detached himself from the group. His actions led to the death of Boone. He's gone from seeing the eye of the island and thinking it's beautiful to looking into the mouth of terror in the finale and almost being dragged to his death. He saved Jack from falling over a cliff at the beginning of the season, and Jack saved him from being pulled into the hole at the end.
Kate has been one of the most consistent characters right from the start. At once tough and vulnerable, she has her Achilles heel in Tom's plane, but has a
soft spot for others -- Claire, Sun, Jack, Sawyer -- and her tenderness often gets in the way of her judgment. I really loved this character in season 1.
Jin moved from angry Asian man, and Sun his subservient wife, to a lovely couple that had their own complex issues. But we know those issues will only become MORE complex in the next few seasons.
Sawyer showed signs of the hero he would eventually become -- jumping in the water after the rudder; pulling the gun on the Others; handing over all of
his liquor bottles the moment Kate asked for them for Boone, etc. For the most part, Sawyer still played the part of the selfish ass, but his development just in season 1 is huge.
Hurley has been a fun guy right from the start, and we haven't yet begun to delve into his much deeper pain. That will happen in season 2. But I loved him
right from the beginning, and he's another character who's remained pretty constant.
Charlie was a lovable mutt in season 1, but then he tells off Rousseau, calling her pathetic in the finale, and from that moment on he'll take on a cruel streak. He's won the trust of both Claire and Locke, and he'll lose that completely in season 2.
Claire was a happy hippie chick, I was a bit confused as to what happened to her. I know what happened: motherhood. Watch her in the next two seasons as she becomes stressed and worried about Aaron all the time. Not only that, but the poor thing lost her memory, and everything she knows in season 4 is what she'd pieced together in the previous 4 seasons... in season 5 she's just gone, but she'll be back next year.
The island was mysterious right from the get-go, with a monster at the beginning of the season that was dangerous to some, beautiful to others. There was one other person living on the island -- Rousseau -- but when Ethan invades their midst, they realize they're not alone on this island. In the season finale, the appearance of Tom and the rest of the Others on the boat signals that not only are there other people on the island, but they have an agenda, and it's not a nice one.
And then there's that hatch...
So what did you think of season 1?