Lights! (SOLVED)

Re: Lights!

I am thinking that they are under the walkway that leads out the left side of the park (heading towards package pickup. Other than that, is the picture sideways and the lights are actually side by side?
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Re: Lights!

The picture is oriented correctly...

I can't think of another clue that wouldn't reveal way too much...
Re: Lights!

No, not an elevator. It's a door from the inside out and the outside in, not an interior door.
Re: Lights!

let me take one quick shot
the wall to the right of the space ship earth lineup area, where the special needs entrance is, and where they sometimes wind overflow line, under kind of an overhang?
Re: Lights!

No, not Spaceship Earth. These are the lights on either side of the doors entering Club Cool from the fountain side. I was gonna use all kinds of clues about Beverly, sticky floors, "cool", but they all would give it away. I guess I should have, though...
Re: Lights!

See I told you I would be mad! I was guessing areas around there and I actually said Club Cool (or I used its old name Ice Station Cool)
Re: Lights!

Ice Station Cool doesn't count... :) Because it's been so many things over the years, I had to go with Club Cool. But, you were sooooooooooooo close!