Lights, Motors, Action in Selective Color

Looke Great Tim. There is a great little app for the iPhone which allows you to do this rather easily. It is called Color Splash. Check it out in the App Store.
"mainstreet1997" said:
Thats hot! It could be a car ad!

If only we could buy one of these suckers. ; Especially the reverse car. ; That'd be fun to drive down the interstate. ; :D
Nice Tim...makes that red really pop!

You probably could make one of these things - motorcycle engine, some fiberglass body around a simple tube frame and chassis, and you're there! ; These custom-made 'cars' are quite lightweight and don't really have an interior!
you could flip an old vw bug around easily enough, my housemate in the early 70's always had a bug engine in the living room as his annual winter rebuild project, this way he always had a fesh block around, you didn't need much of a toolbox to tear them down or customize them