Lexar announces a 256GB SDXC Card...can we fill it???

smoking hot sensor and a full card. what a pixelmania fotlk that would be. dr jim, you up for the challenge??
"gary" said:
smoking hot sensor and a full card. what a pixelmania fotlk that would be. dr jim, you up for the challenge??
Would this consist of the entire day with your finger on the burst shutter?

(Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk)
I shudder (no pun intended) to think about the processing workload should one decide to fill one or two of these cards during a trip. ;
LOL Gary! ; When are they going to make a liquid cooled camera?

canonrumor has it coming in 2014, 72mp,50 fps, view camera sized sensor, mirrorless, msrp with the accessory backpack water cooler and stainless hoses, msrp $32000. bill me later accepting preorders soon