Lense to take to Disney World

Hello everyone quick question here. I've got a DSLR Pentax ist D that I will be taking with me along with my p & s. I have 3 lenses for the DSLR the kit lense 18-55mm, tamron 28-80mm, and tamron 70-300mm. If you was to take only one lense which would it be?

I am thinking about taking the 28-80mm as it is a wide angle and has a little zoom with it. But I am not sure if this would be enough zoom for say the safari ride at Animal Kingdom.

Another question is what setting do you shoot in when doing fireworks and the night time parades in at Disney?

Only 74 days to go!!!

Hi Brandie, welcome to the boards.

Actually with the Pentax the 28-80 is not really a wide angle. That would be the 18-55.

For the safaris, you will need the 70-300.

Parades - you will need a 'fast' lens, like the Pentax 50/1.4 lens. The lenses you listed probably aren't fast enough. (the smaller the numbers after the zoom length, like 4-5.6 for example, the faster the lens is)


Fireworks - any lens will really work, the Tamron 28-80 should be fine, but you may want the 18-55 depending on where you take pics from. But that is assuming that you are using a tripod. If you aren't using a tripod, see the 50/1.4 lens
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I think you'll find that switching lenses will be a much more arduous task than you think it will be.

But, I found that a majority of my pictures were under 100mm
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When I went to WDW with my 18-70mm and the 80-200mm zooms, I only used the 80-200mm at Animal Kingdom. The rest of the time, I left it back in the room. The wide to med-zoom of the 18-55 should do you fine.

Ditto on picking up a fast 50mm, I love mine!!!!!
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shoot fireworks on shutter priority, iso 100, and use a tripod. start with about 1 second and adjust from there.
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"Mnchknbrat1982" said:
Hello everyone quick question here. I've got a DSLR Pentax ist D that I will be taking with me along with my p & s. I have 3 lenses for the DSLR the kit lense 18-55mm, tamron 28-80mm, and tamron 70-300mm. If you was to take only one lense which would it be?

I am thinking about taking the 28-80mm as it is a wide angle and has a little zoom with it. But I am not sure if this would be enough zoom for say the safari ride at Animal Kingdom.

Another question is what setting do you shoot in when doing fireworks and the night time parades in at Disney?

Only 74 days to go!!!


Brandie, for travels I used to use Sigma 18-125 and now have been replaced with Sigma 18-200 Optical Stabilizer. But with night time parades just use 50mm f/1.8 or faster (and they are cheap too), set ISO to 1,600 and you're laughing!
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